Janna from Hamburg, Germany, a Journalism student at Cardiff University, turns to hotdogs  when she’s struggling to finish her assignment. One bite and she is transported back home to her

garden where every Sunday her father would light up the grill and prepare lunch for her family.




Neha from Delhi, India, joins her university friends for Friday dinners to recreate her weekend catch-up sessions with childhood friends back home. Chatting over mouth-watering vegetarian cuisine in Cardiff makes the distance to home feel so much shorter.



Tanisha from Kingston, Jamaica celebrates a glorious sunny day in Cardiff with a golden fried crispy chicken breast. She basks in the sun on her way to the restaurant where she treats herself to a mouth-watering meal. The sun warms her body while her comfort dish warms her soul.



Zhihao from Beijing, China, orders pork ribs after wrapping up his weekly Facetime call with his mother. Nothing can replace his mother’s delicious pork ribs which are cooked with love as the main ingredient, but the Smoke Haus gives her a run for her money. His weekly pork ribs are a tribute to his mother’s cooking.



Remember going out for a big juicy burger with your friends to your favourite restaurant to help deal with the stress of coursework? Yes, we all have turned to food for comfort at some point in our life. Comfort food can provide a much-needed hug or a pat on the back when we feel the blues. Thank you, food, I really needed that.



Come on friends, mates, amigos, 朋友, tell us why you turn to your comfort food.